AP_ATNA Data Dictionary

Audit Trail and Node Authentication

Original Column Name Expanded Column Name Description
ATNAID ATNA ID Unique identifier for an Audit Trail and Node Authentication (ATNA) record.
AccessType Access Type Categorizes the level or type of access involved in the audit event (e.g., read, write, execute).
ApplAction Application Action Specifies the action taken by the application that is being audited.
ATNAETID ATNA Event Type ID Identifier categorizing the type of event that triggered the audit log entry.
AuditSrcID Audit Source Details Identifies the originating source of the audit event, such as a device or software component.
AuditSrcType Audit Source Type Classifies the source of an audit event, including user interfaces, applications, or other system components.
EvtOutcomeIndt Event Outcome Indicator Indicator depicting the result of the event being audited (e.g., success, failure, partial completion).
EvtDate Event Date The date and time at which the audited event occurred.
IsUserReq Is User Request Boolean indicator specifying whether the audited event was triggered by a user request.
NetAccessID Network Access Details Details pertaining to network access relevant to the audit event, such as IP address or session ID.
NetAccessType Network Access Type Describes the type of network access linked to the audit event (e.g., local network, remote access).
PtID Patient Details Patient identifying information associated with the audit event, such as the patient's medical record number.
RoleID Role Details Details about the role of the individual or entity participating in the event being audited.
UserID User Details User information involved in the audit event, potentially including user ID, name, and action performed.
ZUChkSum ZU Check Sum Checksum for tracking data integrity and changes in the Zero Unknowing (ZU) audit logs.
ZUDate ZU Date Audit log date correlating to the Zero Unknowing tracking system, used for security and verification purposes.
ZULogonHisID ZULogon History Details Details of logon history including login ID and timestamp as recorded in Zero Unknowing audit logs.
NameX Name X Generic representation of an element's name in the audit trail which may be replaced with an actual attribute name.